Welcome to Santa Fe College
Providing Students with Opportunities to Transform Their Education, Their Lives and Their Future
Santa Fe College was established in 1965 by the State of Florida to offer wide access to quality higher education. SF is home to a planetarium, a nationally recognized teaching zoo, geological (underground caves) field laboratory and a state-of-the-art Fine Arts Hall.
The college provides programs and services that fulfill its mission of educational opportunity, responsiveness to the community, economic development and innovation in the public interest. It continues to maintain a student- centered philosophy.
Santa Fe College offers over 15 baccalaureate programs, over 100 associate degrees and over 30 technical certificates. Online, hybrid and HyFlex courses are integral components of SF’s delivery modalities. The college also provides a wide array of workforce development, continuing, adult and community education. Santa Fe College enrolls over 13,600 degree-seeking students annually from Florida, the nation and 96 countries. About 63% of students come from outside the two-county district. Each year, the college awards more than 6,200 degrees and certificates.
SF helps students transfer into and graduate from other four-year schools. As a part of the SF2Universities program, SF graduates are guaranteed admission into the University of North Florida, Florida A&M University, the New College of Florida, the University of South Florida, University of West Florida, and the University of the Virgin Islands. However, many SF students transfer to our best partner, the University of Florida.
SF opens doors to both our students and the greater community. Students get hands- on training from qualified instructors at an accredited college, giving them the skill set and the degree they need to become first responders, educators, health care professionals, plumbers, computer programmers and more – jobs that are available right here in our community.

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Santa Fe College provides an array of scholarship opportunities to ensure that students from all walks of life are provided with the resources they need in order to succeed. In addition to a variety of well-established scholarships, SF has also added new opportunities that are deliberately focused on addressing any additional needs.
Some of those scholarships include assistance for community members in preparing for the GED exam, providing support to those who have already earned an associate’s degree and want to pursue a baccalaureate degree and providing opportunities for caretakers for elderly or disabled adult relatives.
In addition to College scholarships the SF Foundation provides many scholarship opportunities thanks to the generosity of donors in our community. Students can search the SF Foundation scholarship database by going to sfcollege.edu/scholarships to find a complete list of available scholarships.
From High School to College
High school students can begin their educational journey through one of our many college readiness programs: SF Achieve, high school dual enrollment, SF Academy of Science and Technology, Educational Opportunity Center, Adult Education, National Achievers Society, College Achievement Program, Upward Bound and TRIO Educational Talent Search.
Each year, more than 1,000 high school students experience the Santa Fe College (SF) High School Dual Enrollment (HSDE) program. Students can earn tuition-free college credits while participating in important extracurricular activities – like sports, prom and graduation – at your high school.
Students can enroll in tuition- free college courses based on their ACT, SAT or PERT scores. Alachua County Public School students can also take high school classes at the college. The student’s academic advisor can offer details based on where they are enrolled. All courses are taught by college professors and align with Bright Futures scholarship requirements.
Academy of Science and Technology

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In the fall of 2023, Santa Fe College opened the Academy of Science and Technology, a high school focused on providing students a quality education in the Career and Technical Education (CTE) fields of Health Sciences and Information Technology.
Students will follow a traditional high school curriculum until they demonstrate college readiness and begin their journey toward their A.S. degree through participation in SF’s High School Dual Enrollment Program.
Students who graduate from the Academy of Science and Technology will have the opportunity to earn their high school diploma, an Associate in Science degree and at least two industry certifications. Students will also be able to attend at no cost to themselves or their families, eliminating a potential barrier to economic mobility. ■