GROWING INNOVATION RIGHT IN OUR BACKYARD What To Know About Incubators and Co-work Spaces in…
Satlantis- a Leading Innovator in Space Exploration By Deborah Holmén, M.Ed., NBCT Satlantis has…
Canaery is a venture-backed company developing the first commercial nose-computer interface (NCI) for odor detection…
Thrifty Revolutionizing the Resale Industry Ready to join the eco-friendly revolution? Get ahead of the…
Gainesville, Florida, is home to a new startup revolutionizing the healthcare industry. 42Bio Inc. is…
Imagine 3D printing a body part for a major organ transplant surgery to save a…
BYPPO on the Rise Victoria Liu was a University of Florida student sitting at a…
By Tracy Wright An idea remains an idea until you turn it on In…
Hemp Without the High: Budding Industry Thrives in Gainesville Rows of bright green, budding bushes extend…
New Alachua biotech facility to open in 2022 The number of startup biotech companies and…