Claims Center Manager, Enterprise Mobility
The fierce qualities of fire, tenacity and confidence are always in motion throughout Andrea McClintic’s busy life. As a business executive and dedicated community leader, she has learned to align her time and energy with organizations she believes in.
In addition to her role as claims center manager for Enterprise Mobility, she is vice president of Buchholz Girls Lacrosse Boosters and serves on the boards of both the United Way of North Central Florida and Danscompany of Gainesville. She has been involved with Gainesville Striders, Girl Scouts and American Heart Association, as well as school field trips and classes. McClintic believes in teaching her children that volunteerism is a vital part of a fulfilled life and making a difference, even in a small way, is important. The mother of three loves the people she has met in her 14 years of community involvement.
Her current goals are to continue doing things that make her happy and try to leave the world a better place that she found it. She strives to use her strengths to support her family and show her daughters that they can define their lives in their own way.
“I am a fierce woman because I live my life authentically as me. I am comfortable in my own skin and with quirks that make me, me,” McClintic said. “I am brave and silly, a great problem solver, a good friend and a person that works to make the organizations I am involved with efficient and effective.”