Santa Fe College: A Global Focus

Santa Fe College- What Local Looks Like

Cheer on the Saints! Start in the fall with women’s volleyball, followed by men’s and…

SF College Locations

Which location is right for me? You can take classes remotely through SF Online, or…

Education for Everyone

How is a community college different than a university? In Florida, community colleges offer two…

Michael Gallagher Leaves Legacy at SantaFe HealthCare

Service is the most important word in Michael Gallagher’s vocabulary, and he has an exemplary…

Santa Fe College Helps Meet Insurance Industry’s Needs

The best part of my job, other than basking in society’s admiration that is bestowed…

Santa Fe College Strives to End Inequity

Several months ago, my first reaction to the thought of another study in Gainesville about…

Lifelong Learners

Providing educational opportunities for the entire community is central to the mission of Santa Fe…


Hundreds of local school children visit the Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo every year for…

First Teachers

At those moments—in the garden, at the easel, under the spell of a book—when children…

Innovators & Job Creators

So much of the technology that is commonplace today grew from science fiction. As such,…