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Smile and Byte: How AI is Revolutionizing Modern Dentistry 

Smile and Byte: How AI is Revolutionizing Modern Dentistry 

By: Laureen Young 


A visit to the dentist’s office is nobody’s idea of a good time, but modern dentistry has come a long way from the medieval extractions and chattering dentures of the past. Today, developments in dental technology are all about innovation, making dental procedures more efficient, comfortable and effective than ever before.  

Atop the list of exciting advancements in this field is the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Standing out as a game-changer, AI offers a multitude of benefits in nearly every aspect of dental care. It is not just making dentists’ lives easier- it is making trips to the dentist more enjoyable for everyone. 

Greater Gainesville’s Dr. Yvette Godet, DMD, emphasizes the importance of modern dentistry- with a gentle touch. When asked about the contributions of AI in her profession, she said, “I believe that its impact will undoubtedly raise the level of patient care and revolutionize the way we practice dentistry.” 

Diagnosis and treatment planning are among the most significant uses of AI in the dental world. AI algorithms can analyze dental images like X-rays, CT scans and intraoral photographs with incredible precision. With this technology, dentists can spot problems like cavities, gum disease and even oral cancers much earlier, leading to better results for their toothy patients. 

“The implementation of AI/Augmented Intelligence in conjunction with imaging and administrative software platforms have the potential to promote unparalleled accuracy, precision and efficiencies, resulting in favorable patient outcomes,” Godet said.  

 AI-powered treatment planning systems help dentists create personalized treatment plans by considering each patient’s unique oral anatomy. Dentists can then provide the best possible solutions for procedures- like dental implants that are a perfect fit, minimizing discomfort and the necessity for additional adjustment appointments. 

The incorporation of AI has also made teledentistry and virtual consultations more accessible. Patients can now have remote discussions with their dentists, seeking advice and sharing concerns, all from the comfort of their couch- instead of the cold chair in a clinic. AI-powered tools, like Adit Software utilized by Godet Dentistry, help dentists with everything from online forms and scheduling to high-resolution images and analytics. 

Oral surgery and prosthodontics have improved with AI, too. Surgical robots guided by AI can perform tricky procedures with amazing accuracy, making things safer and recoveries faster. In prosthodontics, AI helps make dental replacements that fit just right and look completely natural. 

Preventive dentistry is another area benefiting from AI. Smart toothbrushes and dental apps equipped with this technology can analyze brushing habits, provide real-time feedback, and even detect early signs of dental issues. This proactive approach empowers individuals to take better care of their oral health and reduce the risk of dental problems. 

For dental professionals, the use of AI will require an education. While today’s medical students are being introduced to these concepts and applications, established dentists like Dr. Godet are actively seeking out information about AI that will help bring their practices into the future.  

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“I am eagerly anticipating attending an upcoming continuing education seminar that University of Florida College of Dentistry is offering on AI and its use in dentistry,” Godet said. “UFCD has partnered with an industry leader in dental artificial intelligence and by incorporating this technology into their curriculum, will play an integral role in preparing dental professionals to embrace and utilize these new platforms.” 

Modern dentistry has continued to evolve and is no exception to the many industries benefiting from the innovation of AI. The transformation of dentistry has not only made diagnosis, treatment planning and performing surgeries better but it has also made going to the dentist more enjoyable and preventive care simpler. Welcoming these tech improvements is a win-win for dentists and patients alike, as they pave the way for a future of oral health care that’s brighter, more effective and pain-free. 



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