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A Dog’s Life

A Dog’s Life

Screen Shot 2014-01-31 at 2.15.18 PMI’ve heard my humans say, “It’s a dog’s life,” when they look grumpy or tired, so I think it’s supposed to mean something bad. Now, I don’t know what poor dog they’re talking about, but I’m sure it’s not me ‘cause my life is pretty darn good.

I get to go on long walks on cold mornings and on rainy days. Getting really muddy is the best!  Afterward, I go and sit in my warm bed and sleep almost all day. Sometimes I get up and bark just to make sure everyone’s paying attention. But mostly, I just hang out until I smell food.

Ah, food. I love all kinds…even shoes. My human gets mad when I chew on those, but she’s happy when I pick up scraps after Junior finishes making a mess during dinner. Sometimes I get something off the table, but that’s when no one is looking.There’s nothing “ruff” about living this dog’s life! Is that steak I smell?

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