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The Revolutionary Use of Tried-and-True Business Leadership Strategies  

The Revolutionary Use of Tried-and-True Business Leadership Strategies  

by: John Spence

 When asked about innovative business leadership strategies, one might focus on things like the use of AI, hybrid work environments or ‘quiet quitting.’ They might discuss current trends in leadership styles such as visionary leadership, servant leadership and value-based leadership.  

In business though, being creative and inventive is never as valuable as being wildly spectacular at the fundamentals. The things that make a company successful are simple but rarely implemented effectively. Here are three of the most important ones: 


  1. Step outside the corner office.

Talk to the team. Spending time with those who directly interact with the client is essential. Front-line folks are the face of a business to its customers. They determine client perception- for better or worse. Show employees that they are genuinely cared for and considered. Demonstrate an interest in their perspective and what insights they have to offer, especially when it comes to knowledge of the client base. It is important to remember that the customer’s experience will never exceed the employee’s experience. Treat these people with respect and kindness. Realize that, in large part, they determine the success of your business. 


  1. Listen to the customer.

Whoever owns the voice of the customer owns the marketplace. Yet, most businesses are terrible at understanding what truly matters to their customers. Conduct surveys and focus groups. Meet with key clients, ask questions and listen intently. One of the best questions that can be asked is, “Why do you do business with us? What are the top three reasons?” Many times, when multiple customers are presented with these questions, a pattern will emerge. That pattern offers a unique selling proposition. It is the essence of the brand. It should be the foundation for all advertising and marketing efforts. If a good many of a company’s best customers are spending for the same three or four reasons, many other potential consumers will buy for the same reasons. 


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  1. Consistently meet or exceed client expectations.

Based on information collected from employee and customer interactions, determine client expectations and create systems, processes and training necessary to deliver on them every time. Fantastic service and high-quality products do not happen by chance, fate or good luck. It is imperative to provide team members with the training, resources, decision-making authority and autonomy to wow customers, time and again. 


With the simple, yet effective strategies business leaders can feel confident that while their techniques may not be the shiniest new thing around, they are the most likely to lead to success.  


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