Numbers Dollars and Sense
- There are 2 federal holidays in the United States in November
- There are 12 federal holidays during an election year and over 20 public U.S. holidays on the calendar
- On average, 46 million turkeys are eaten on Thanksgiving, 22 million on Christmas and 19 million on Easter each year in the U.S.
- In a survey conducted by the National Turkey Federation, it was found that 88% of Americans eat turkey on Thanksgiving
- In 2022, AAA estimated that nearly 113 million Americans would travel for holidays in December and January
- In 2022, AAA also estimated that about 55 million Americans would travel more than 50 miles from home for Thanksgiving
- In 2022, it was estimated that over $270 billion was spent during the holiday season
- Of this total, consumers spent $211.7 billion online
- The No. 1 grilling holiday in the U.S. is the Fourth of July. 54% of grill owners participated in Fourth of July grilling, followed by Labor Day (47%), Memorial Day (44%) and Father’s Day (34%)
- It is estimated that Americans purchase nearly 600 million pounds of candy for Halloween, 120 million pounds for Easter and 94 million pounds for Valentine’s Day