By: Daniela Martin
Women Owned Businesses
- In the US, there are over 14 million women-owned small businesses
- Florida has 1,134,549 women-owned businesses
- 5.42% of all U.S. businesses are owned by women
- From 2019 to 2023, women-owned businesses’ growth rate outpaced the rate of men’s’:
- 94.3% for number of firms
- 252.8% for employment
- 82.0% for revenue
- During the pandemic, women-owned businesses added 1.4 million jobs and $579.6 billion in revenue to the economy
Working Mothers
- As of 2023, 68.9% of mothers with children under age 6 participated in the labor force
Women Entrepreneurs
- There are 114% more women entrepreneurs today than there were 20 years ago
- Women entrepreneurs grew by 48%, outpacing male counterparts by more than 20% in America 2020 and 2021
Women Earning Degrees
- Women earned 43,027 doctoral degrees in the 2021-22 academic year