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Innovative Design: Offices Making the Mark

Innovative Design: Offices Making the Mark

Business at the Communications & Creative Services department in Santa Fe College is fueled by creativity.

Their office, which was remodeled in 2013 with the help of Jesse VanderBiezen, was designed to foster collaboration and creativity.

Inside you’ll find two open meeting areas, a conference room, a café, a photography studio and several cubicles spread throughout the remaining spaces. While these features may seem like conventional elements that are found in any office, they’re far from that.

For starters, each meeting area is equipped with advanced, interactive technology to optimize efficiency and teamwork. At the center of one of the spaces you’ll find a monitor hooked to a pod system. The system allows every person to connect their computer to the monitor, so when someone wants to share what’s on his or her screen all they have to do is tap the pod.

Located next to one of the meeting areas, is a conference room that is enclosed in elegant frosted glass. Whenever there’s a brainstorming session in there people don’t worry about bringing paper because they can just write on the walls.

“This is one of my favorite rooms,” said John Carmean, the director of the department. “We can write on the glass, put things up on the walls [and] throw things up on the screen when we need to collaborate on projects.”

Carmean said the office is like a canvas. Everyone is encouraged to add his or her own touch to the final piece. Metaphorically speaking, the employees are the artists, and they are responsible for decorating their cubicles.

When you walk into Aaron Daye’s cubicle you’ll find an assorted collection of figurines and other eccentric objects. From Mr. Potato Heads to a custom-made fraternity paddle, behind every item there’s a story to be told.

“What I try to do with my office space is try to really personalize it and make it about me,” said Daye, the multimedia specialist of the department.

While the current office is modern and lively, it wasn’t always like this. Amanda Hernandez, the communications coordinator of the department, said the old office was divided and dim. It used to be one long hallway with doors that led to separate offices. Now the space is open and bright. Rays of natural light illuminate every corner of room 238.

“When you walk in you can’t help but to be happy,” said Carmean.

From the outside Concept Companies’ office looks like a standard warehouse. But, inside it’s an elegant, rustic 18th century style space with a CrossFit gym.

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Their office, which was remodeled in 2013 by the architect Jason Cytacki, is composed of two buildings. The building in the front existed previously, and the one in the back was built from the ground up. Ann Rue was the interior designer for the main building, and Brian Crawford, the president and owner of Concept Companies, along with his vice president, Matt Cason, designed the interior of the rear building, where the gym is located.

“The first floor of the main building has 21 offices, four restrooms, two conference rooms, two kitchens and a lobby. The space has a distinct 18th century style feel to it with décor inspired by the industrial revolution.

Some of the highlights include a conference table made out of a solid cut of redwood, a glass tile wall with burlap wall covering in the lobby and art done by Ales Hostomsky, better known as Bask, who designed artwork for the movie “Iron Man 3.”

Perhaps the most impressive part of the entire office is the full-sized CrossFit gym located in the back. The gym is equipped with pull-up racks, rowing machines, kettlebells, ropes, tractor tires and much more. Employees are encouraged to work out in their spare time. They also have the opportunity to participate in bi-weekly group fitness classes led by a personal trainer.

“The environment that we’ve created has motivated people to want to come to work,” Cason said. “This is a place where the majority of the staff eats lunch together every day.”

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