Carry Fall Trends into Winter

Pumpkin spice lattes, faux furs, and frizz-free hair… It’s that special time of year again.…

Happy Pets, Happy Holidays

Pepe Peruyero of Pepedogs answers questions on caring for and traveling with pets during the…

In the Details

You’ve finally found it, the perfect Christmas tree. You take it home, set it up,…

A Choice

In this issue, you are reading about people who made a choice. A choice to…

Commercial Insurance 101

In a recent survey of our commercial insurance staff, I posed the question, “What do…

Scherer Construction

HELPING CHURCHES AND COMMUNITY GROUPS GROW Commercial construction projects are challenging enough, but building a…

If Ever I Was Thankful

For starters, here’s why not to start a business, ª 1) In my spare time,…

Dynamic Duos

THE WESEMAN BROTHERS: Two Hands of the Same Machine Even against the sturdy craftsmanship of…