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The Evolution of Neutral7

The Evolution of Neutral7

For eight years, Neutral7 has served local and national clients through innovative, award-winning graphic design and production. Neutral7 is evolving, so the company is rebranding into three separate dynamic entities: Apartment Graphics, Hue&I Creative Collective and Neutral7 graphic spaces.

Read more about the evolution of the brand and how Hue&I came about.

Q. Gainesville-based Neutral7 has rebranded and one of the entities is a Hue&I Creative Collective, which includes a partnership with Miguel Blanco and Alexander Hammer. How did the collaboration come about? Explain “Creative Collective.”
ALBEY: We have been friends for over a decade and had the opportunity to work together on several projects since then. In recent years, we began planning to build on a partnership based on our collaborative approach to the branding experience, hence the name “creative collective.” The three of us have very different lines of work experience, and at some point, it made sense to merge them together.

MIGUEL: The three of us have a long history as both friends and colleagues. Albert and I worked together for several years over a decade ago. Alex and I have collaborated throughout the years on several projects. This partnership is something we’ve been talking about for years and it has finally materialized.

Q. Hue&I is a full-service design agency. What distinguishes it from other agencies?
ALBEY: We get connected to our brands; the work represents us just as much as we represent them. In that same discipline, we connect to each project as an extension of the client’s team.

ALEX: We are committed to developing unique experiences for each of the brands we represent. Because of the way we are structured, we’re able to tap into a wide, diverse pool of talent for each project depending on the client’s needs and budget. For instance, I have several years of experience in film and video production in New York City and most recently became a mentor at SCAD’s Film Department. In terms of talent resources and networking, this alone brings great opportunities for exceptional collaboration.

MIGUEL: As a client, working with Hue&I Creative Collective has great advantages in both the local market and other regions. Since we have a hub in Gainesville, Florida, and another in New York, we’re able to draw from a wide pool of talent to service both locations and beyond.

Q. What makes an ideal client for Hue&I?
ALBEY: Our ideal client is the person or business that understands the importance of the bigger picture. They get that when all the elements of their brand (the identity, content, media, purpose and voice) are allowed to come together, the impact is exponential.

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We enjoy working with people like this, not only because they are willing to make the investment in their company but also because their passion for what they do is contagious and inspires us. We also love clients who like to have a little fun along with the process.

Q. What do you see as the single biggest value that working with an agency/collaborative has to offer a business, and how does Hue&I provide that?
MIGUEL: In terms of value, our clients benefit from the reassurance of investing in targeted, branded efforts that are tightly connected to their long-term branding and marketing strategies. Our team provides them with immediate business impact while also positively transforming company culture in the process. In my previous experience with digital products and Innovation Media Labs at NBCUniversal, I was able to learn a great deal about how to effectively “move the needle” for projects that required a great deal of TLC in both the branding and user-experience front.

Q. How do you see Hue&I evolving in the future?
ALBEY: In the last 20 years, technology has greatly impacted what we do at work; I see technology continuing to evolve our business and helping us explore new ways to create.

To learn more about Hue&I Creative Collective visit

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