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Purpose 20: Vine Bakery

Purpose 20: Vine Bakery

The Center for Leadership and Service at the University of Florida created the Purpose 20 Awards to honor the contributions made to Alachua County by local for-profit businesses. These 20 businesses provide invaluable cash and in-kind donations while supporting the community with efforts in environmental sustainability, serving as role models for change within the community and encouraging staff members to give their time to local causes. All of this work often goes unrecognized. The Center for Leadership and Service hopes that by recognizing these businesses, we inspire others through their example and demonstrate that business is about more than making a profit — it is also about having a purpose to build a better community.

“We love our town and feel that we only make it a better place to live by operating with integrity and commitment to our community.”
– Teresa Zokovitch, owner

Vine is all about integrity and improving community through close, personal relationships with customers and the community as a whole. Vine loves Gainesville and has made it a priority to put community wants and needs above the company. The owners regularly contribute to fundraisers and school projects while also inviting the community to use the café’s space for their own work and creations including schoolwork, book writing, art, music, gardening, dance, fundraising, meetings and even community dinners. By committing to sustainability and philanthropy, Vine and its owners feel they are simply carrying forth a responsibility as members of this community to make it the best possible place to live.

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