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The Fierce List: Kathy E. Viehe

The Fierce List: Kathy E. Viehe

Kathy E. Viehe, Interim General Manager

GRU (Gainesville Regional Utilities) 

Viehe is the interim general manager for GRU, a role she has been in since November 2013. She has over 30 years of experience in the utility industry, having worked previously with Jackson Utility Division (Tennessee), Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division (Tennessee) and Ft. Pierce Utilities Authority (Florida). She has been with GRU for nearly 20 years. Viehe received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Memphis State University (now University of Memphis). Viehe is responsible for all utility operations delivered by over 800 employees. In 2008, Viehe served on Gov. Charlie Crist’s Action Team on Energy and Climate Change. Viehe is also the vice president of the board of directors for Girls Place, a nonprofit organization that empowers young girls to grow courageous, strong and self-sufficient.

“Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm.” – Publilius Syrus

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