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GAWN: Gainesville Area Women’s Network

GAWN: Gainesville Area Women’s Network


For the women and men who make up the Gainesville Area Women’s Network (GAWN), the organization’s goal can be defined as helping women in business network.

And while this description may seem simple enough, GAWN is so much more than that. Current Chairwoman Peg O’Connor summed up GAWN as “an organization that meets women wherever they are in life and tries to help them reach their goals.”

Founded in 1981 by women who attended a women-focused networking conference sponsored by Santa Fe College, GAWN has grown into a successful organization with membership that represents a wide variety of careers, community involvement and personal achievements.

The pioneer women of GAWN have brought the organization to where it is today: a successful 100-plus member group of diverse women of every age and from all backgrounds.

As the membership grows and diversifies, so does GAWN. There is something that can be learned from every member. Each woman involved — from college-aged women to 70-somethings — has something of value to bring across the generations.

Past chairwoman Jamie Shrum was able to bring some of this forward change with her during her time on the GAWN board, as GAWN chair and through her continued membership in GAWN.

GAWN aims to foster a culture of tolerance and understanding. The group wants to attract younger women and continue to grow, while keeping the same values that will mold the organization as it moves forward.

“It’s a group of girlfriends helping girlfriends,” Shrum said. “We are the friendliest network in town — that’s our slogan.” A recent survey asked about each member’s No. 1 reason for being part of GAWN – the most common answer was that they go each month to see their friends.

Shrum speaks fondly of the friendships she has made through GAWN and the support system that the community has become.

“GAWN was my savior during difficult times — once a month, I was able to go and just recharge,” she said.

The members of GAWN have created a community, one that encourages each member, is there to help in whatever way possible and offers complete support. GAWN is about building relationships — that is the biggest thing.

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“Women are their own worst enemy — and GAWN is here to help us break down those barriers and build authentic relationships,” Shrum said.

The group meets on the third Wednesday of every month for a luncheon and presentation at the Sweetwater Branch Inn. Everyone is invited and welcome to join, no matter what age or stage of life.

When asked about where Shrum sees GAWN in the future, her reply was simple: “Some try to think of an exit strategy for when GAWN doesn’t exist — personally, I believe that GAWN will always exist as long as women will still help other women.”



HOLLY HAYES is a senior majoring in advertising at the University of Florida. She grew up in Gainesville and loves most everything about this town — especially all the hidden nature gems around. She has an interest in writing and hopes to one day become a copywriter at an ad agency in Chicago or Austin.

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