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What Makes a Great Tweet?

What Makes a Great Tweet?

Tweets might seem easy to create, but depending on your goal, there’s a guidance you should follow. The purpose of your tweets matter. Do you want retweets or replies, or do you want your followers to mark them as favorites? The truth is that you should care about all these kinds of engagement because they show that you not only reached an audience, but actually encouraged them to take action.

Right now, you might be asking yourself: How do I create engaging tweets? Well, the first step you should take is to read this article completely because we’ll provide you with three simple tips that will teach you how to do so.

  1. Use an engaging tone. Twitter is a social media platform that encourages interaction, so the more engaging your tweet is, the better. Ask questions, add statistics and take the risk to share educated opinions. A good way to learn if you’re doing a great job at engaging audiences is through Twitter Analytics which allows you to track and measure your engagement and presence on the site.
  2. Participate on trending discussions, use one hashtag on each tweet and create content that can boost visibility.  
  3. Don’t forget to add a visual. Images, videos, memes, GIFs and infographics are the most popular visuals people use on social media. According to a Search Engine Watch report, images with attached URLs bring the most engagement.

A good way of implementing these three tips is through planning and scheduling tweets. Create a Twitter calendar and plan to tweet between three and five times a day, seven days a week. Two of our favorite platforms to schedule tweets are Hootsuite and Buffer. These platforms not only allow you to schedule tweets with visuals, URLs and hashtags, but they also allow you to track engagement.

If you want online users to tweet about your website, you need to make sure your website loads quickly on all smart devices. Also, if you haven’t done so already, enable the “Tweet this quote” feature, so your audience can highlight information from your website.

These are some tips we believe make a great tweet. Can you think of any other?



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Michelle Bizet is a senior in public relations at the University of Florida. She loves working in the communications field and she is very passionate about the labor nonprofit organizations do. When she is not managing social media or studying for school, she can be found running The Swamp or cooking delicious and nutritious meals.


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