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Walter Cason: A Veteran Spotlight

Walter Cason: A Veteran Spotlight

Veterans like Walter Cason stand out. For an astonishing 27 years, Cason served in the United States Army. While enlisted he served in places like Korea, Germany and Vietnam. For over 50 years Cason has dedicated his life to serving his country and fellow veterans.

“I live for other people, not for me. Every morning I get up, I look for something to do for somebody else,” Cason said.

Cason the President of the Alachua Lions Club. He is also an ordained deacon in his church, the Grand Recorder of the Grand Knights Temple, and the Commander of the American Legion. Cason is in the business of helping others. He dedicates all his time to it.

“If you can’t help someone with what you’re doing, you don’t need to be in that business,” Cason said.


Before the Military

Cason was born in Jamaica and moved to Lake Butler early in his childhood. His family later moved to Palatka, where we graduated from high school. Cason was drafted by the United States Army while studying at Collier Blocker Junior College. He served from 1966 to 1991.

Cason graduated from the Sergeant Majors Academy in 1985. Two years later, he became a Sergeant Major, the highest enlisted rank a soldier can have. From there, he became a Command Sergeant Major and oversaw and changed the lives of hundreds of soldiers, many of whom he still speaks with today.

“If it wasn’t for the people I helped along the way, I would be worth nothing,” Cason said.

While in the military Cason met his wife, Judith, who was also a veteran. They have three children and five grandchildren together. Although Judith passed away in 2007, she continues to inspire Cason daily in the work that he does for others.


Living to Help All Veterans

In the American Legion, Cason teaches, “We are all one” and “If one of us falls, we all fall.” He encourages Legion members to give without the desire to receive something in return.

Early in life, Cason was inspired by his mother to give back.

“My mother was always doing something within the community,” said Cason.

Cason seeks to give back every day.

See Also

After retiring from the Army, Cason continued to work with soldiers and other veterans through his five-year role in human resources for the Veteran Affairs.

Cason’s favorite part of helping veterans is ensuring they get all the help that they need. He helps with resources that include housing, medical, benefits, disability and more.

This Veterans Day, the American Legion Haisley Lynch Post 16, where Cason is the Commander, will invite homeless veterans to come to look through blessing buckets. These buckets are full of clothes, food and other necessities.

“The most rewarding thing in my whole life is when I can say to myself, ‘Walter, you did good today,’” Cason said.

Those who know Walter know that every day, he does more than good. He sacrifices anything he can for his community, and he never asks for a single thing in return.

By Simone Flanigan. 

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