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The Fierce List: Sherri Cousins

The Fierce List: Sherri Cousins

Sherri Cousins, Accountant

Southeast Car Agency Inc.

Sherri graduated from Valdosta State College in 1988 with a Bachelor of Science in accounting. She moved to Gainesville and worked in public accounting for eight years. She and her husband, Tom, met on a blind date in 1991 and were married the following year. In 1996, she was asked to work part time for Southeast Car Agency to pay the company’s bills, which turned out to mean hand-writing checks for every bill! Sherri quickly set up the company with accounting software and soon moved to a full-time position for SECA.

Sherri enjoys having a job that allows her to work with her husband, the talented, dedicated staff and the overall relaxed, carefree work environment at SECA. She and Tom have two sons: Niko, a senior at the University of Florida, and Collin, a sophomore at the University of North Florida.

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“In most cases, being a good boss means hiring talented people and then getting out of their way.” – Tina Fey

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