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The Fierce List: Roberta Watson

The Fierce List: Roberta Watson

Roberta Watson, co-owner and Vice President

Keith Watson Events

Roberta is originally from northern New York state and graduated from both New England Conservatory of Music in Boston and Columbia University in New York City. While pursuing her singing career in New York, she met Keith Watson, who was also a professional performer. They married in 1986 and began a special event business in the metro New York area. In 2004, Keith and Roberta, along with their two children, moved to Gainesville after their company was hired to provide food and beverage consulting in Florida. They grew to love Gainesville, and Keith Watson Events had found a permanent home. Today, the company has 15 full-time employees and a large seasonal and part-time staff. Keith Watson Events is a special event design company with a resume that includes large and small corporate, private and nonprofit events as well as wedding, entertainment, and home and holiday divisions.

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