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In Memoriam: Josh Greenberg

In Memoriam: Josh Greenberg

Josh Greenberg was the co-founder of Grooveshark, a music streaming service that he started with his friend Sam Tarantino. The company was founded in 2006, when they were both 19 years old and attending the University of Florida. Josh was part of the now vibrant start-up culture in Gainesville. Greenberg recently helped start the Gainesville Dev Academy to offer computer programming training. He was also a founding member of the Gainesville Area Chamber of Commerce’s Gainesville Technology Council. His creative energy will be sadly missed in our community.

“What is your role or impact on others or community? Why are we here? What’s the big picture? I sometimes struggle with these questions in reflection of my own life. What is my purpose? What is my fate? Then I meet people like Josh Greenberg. A young man that took charge of his own life and dared to innovate. He created a company at nineteen, Grooveshark, which was widely popular all over the world. Through this venture he created a way for others to grow in many ways. He was known all over town for his contributions to the community through mentoring other startups, inspiring others to make that bold step as well, speaking at different events, giving his time and participating in numerous boards and councils – all for the betterment of “our” community. God bless and R.I.P. my friend Josh Greenberg.” – Duncan Kabinu, co-founder, Gainesville Dev Academy

“I am so glad we made a pinky promise to work together one day, and even more glad that we kept it. I am so lucky to have known you as a friend and to have had the opportunity to work with you. I’m not really sure how we will do MaidSuite without you, but we are going to try really hard to make you proud. Love you so much Josh Greenberg. You are one in a million. How lucky we are to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” Kristen Hadeed, founder, Student Maid

“Shocked and saddened by the passing of my friend and colleague Josh Greenburg. What a great guy, and an important innovative leader in the community. He made an effort to help Tyler, and encouraged him into IT programming because of Tyler’s disability. I learned so much from Josh. Rest in Peace.” – Rick Staab, president and CEO, InterMed Biomedical

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“You put Gainesville on the map. You will always be our hero. We will do everything we can to make you proud of the community you selflessly nurtured, mentored, and inspired. RIP Josh Greenberg.” – Amir Rubin, CEO and chief parakeet, Paracosm

“This is a sad day for Gainesville, we have lost one of our best and brightest. Josh was an inspiration to me and so many other people… innovative, creative, bold and a truly nice person. I will always remember his infectious smile, sharp mind and unbounded enthusiasm. I will use this as a reminder of how precious and fragile life can be and how much of an incredible impact one individual can have on an entire community. Rest in peace my friend.” – John Spence, International Speaker and Business Consultant

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