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Lowry Financial Advisors, Inc.: Simplicity With Integrity

Lowry Financial Advisors, Inc.: Simplicity With Integrity

Of all the values shared between Lowry Financial Advisors Inc.’s founder Joseph Lowry Sr. and his son, managing partner Joseph Lowry Jr., integrity is the most important.

“Doing the right things for the right reasons for the client is what governs our behavior above all else,” Lowry Sr. said.

From young professionals to seasoned retired individuals, each client’s distinct needs and objectives determine the plan of action employed at the independent advisory firm.

“Our job is to really get to know people and understand who they are,” Lowry Jr. said. “Then, we create strategies to help address their needs. It is a very individualized relationship.”

With a motto of “achieving simplicity,” the duo aim to give clients the answers they need at a time when information moves faster than ever before, generating financial questions and concerns at an equally rapid pace.

“We help our clients simplify their lives and be able to enjoy more quality time either in their business, recreationally or with their families,” Lowry Sr. said. These guiding principles work well for the Lowrys and their clients, who are spread across 22 states and some who have been with the firm for as long as 40 years, beginning when Lowry Sr. started his career in the mid-1970s.

Lowry Financial Advisors began as the Lowry Group in 1978 in Miami, which lasted until Lowry Sr. relocated with his family to Gainesville in 1989.

“We’ve never looked back, and I don’t see us moving anywhere again,” Lowry Sr. said. “We love Gainesville.”

“Gainesville is a hidden gem,” added Lowry Jr., who is a fifth-generation Floridian. “It’s an environment welcoming to families, with good schools and a generous community.”

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The most rewarding aspect of the job is helping their clients make progress and pursue long-term goals, the pair agreed. It’s not just about making it to retirement — it’s about helping them achieve financial security and all of the goals along the way, like saving for a child’s college education or purchasing a dream home. The Lowrys, who have over 50 years combined experience, also enjoy providing comfort to clients who want to ensure their loved ones will be taken care of when they’re gone.

“Over the years, we’ve had comments from clients who say, ‘One of the driving factors in working with you is the fact that when I am no longer here, I know that my heirs and survivors will be dealt with fairly and with integrity,’” Lowry Sr. said.

The joy derived from helping others in this way eclipses any stress from the complex challenges that arise in financial planning, and the Lowrys say they genuinely love what they do.

“We love what we do, we love the people we work with, (and) we have a great staff, and so for us, it’s not really work,” Lowry Sr. said. “It’s stressful at times but in a healthy construct that pushes us to continually look to elevate the level of service we provide, be sensitive to our clients’ needs and stay abreast of our industry.”

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