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How To Generate Leads Online

How To Generate Leads Online

Over 40 percent of the world’s population has an Internet connection. The number of people with Internet access grows each day with increasing speed. Needless to say, leveraging the Internet for lead generation is an incredible and still very misunderstood opportunity. Paying for ads on online platforms is the quickest way to generate leads. The problem is that with so many people, websites, and outlets, it’s all too easy to spend a lot of money and see very few results.


The good news is that your perfect customers and clients are already hanging out online waiting for you to reach them. They’re on Facebook, Google, Instagram, Twitter and many other places. Facebook boasts nearly 1.5 billion active users! The key is understanding exactly who you are trying to reach, what their burning pain point is and what type of relief they want. If you have these points nailed down, you are ready to meet them where they are and show them why they need you.


People do not like being sold; therefore, the most effective marketing centers around giving something to your prospects. They do not care about your service — they care about how it is going to make their lives better. With this in mind, you must create a freebie to give away to your prospects in order to position yourself as an expert and gather their information. It can be something as simple as a checklist, a free webinar or course, a sample of your product, a free consult, or something else that can educate and help relieve their problem. Make sure that you’re giving away something really effective and desired by your prospect, otherwise it will fall flat.


You’ve probably heard the saying or some variation of, “When you market to everyone, you market to no one.” The bottom line is that by narrowing your target, you are able to create highly refined language and offers that resonate with your perfect-fit customer. If you have a number of target markets, then utilize multiple campaigns. It is more work, but it will offer you much higher conversions.

For example, if you are an acupuncturist and you work with two main sets of people — people struggling with arthritis pain and women experiencing infertility — you obviously need two sets of ad copy. Creating a generic ad about offering acupuncture will not elicit an emotional response from many people, if any. However, creating an advertisement and freebie targeted at alleviating the pain of debilitating arthritis, even arthritis that has not responded to pharmaceutical intervention in the past, well, that is something an arthritis sufferer will be thrilled to click on. Similarly, a woman struggling to get pregnant may or may not recognize her need for acupuncture, but if your copy suggests your track record of patients becoming pregnant after your treatments, you’ll see a much higher conversion rate.


Once you’ve got your targeted ad and tempting freebie, it’s time to make sure that your prospects know what to do. When they click on your ad, drive them to a page with a very clear call to action (CTA). Do you want their email addresses in exchange for your freebie? Do you want them to schedule a free consult with you? Decide what action you want them to take. I’m a fan of always getting your prospects’ email addresses so that you can continue to follow up and do all of the legwork, but you have to think about what makes the most sense in your sales funnel.


See Also

Think about your ideal client’s major pain point, and then create a freebie that addresses this pain. If you’re feeling really ambitious, try running a few highly targeted ads on Facebook promoting your freebie and see how many leads you can get. Or, hire someone to help you leverage the incredible prospecting power of the Internet!



Stephanie Gordon is the cofounder and CEO of Psych’d Marketing, a boutique digital marketing firm specializing in online lead generation. Learn more about how to get more leads for your business at or email Stephanie directly at [email protected].

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