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The HOMEy’s College Tips: What We Wish We Knew

The HOMEy’s College Tips: What We Wish We Knew

  • When entering a university, every student is required to receive specific immunization shots before classes begin. The University of Florida requires that each student have immunizations for measles, hepatitis B and meningococcal meningitis. Not many people know that.
  •  Microwaves can be a freshman’s best friend. If your dorm or apartment doesn’t have one, consider an investment – your stomach will thank you!
  •  Prioritize your time. It can get very stressful living on your own and taking a full load of courses, so set aside time to relax, go to the gym or take a yoga class.
  •  Don’t buy your textbooks before the semester starts. Don’t buy a single book unless your professor says it is required — otherwise, chances are you won’t need it.
  •  If you do need a textbook, skip the campus library (unless your financial aid covers it) and stick to online retailers such as Amazon, eCampus and Chegg.
  •  Learn how to cook at least one “real” meal — think chicken and rice, baked salmon or lasagna. You might think the dining hall will take care of your every foodie need, but sometimes, home-cooked food is all you need.
  •  You’ve heard it before, but we’ll say it again: Don’t be afraid to change your major. The first year of college is mostly prerequisites and general education courses, so you won’t be behind and you definitely won’t regret it.
  • Start applying for internships as soon as possible. Although it’s more challenging to find opportunities as a freshman, it’s still possible. The sooner you start, the better chance you have of finding a job after graduating.
  •  Join any clubs that are related to something you enjoy or something new that you want to learn about. Even if you have your high school friends at college with you, you should still branch out and meet new people.
  •  If you don’t plan on bringing a car to college, try to buy some items in bulk when your parents are moving you in and find someone you can carpool with as soon as possible. Carrying bags full of groceries while waiting at the bus stop in the rain is not fun.
  • Find the cheapest food delivery service for your area — there will come a day when walking across campus to get a sandwich is just not a doable feat, and there will come a night when you’ve been studying for 15 hours and have to have that pint of ice cream. Do your research now.
  •  Do yourself a favor and put a reminder note on the inside of your door for “phone, keys, wallet.” You’ll feel embarrassed about it until the first time you’re locked out at 2 a.m. with no phone and no money.
  •  If you don’t already know how to do laundry, have someone run through the basics before you head off to school. Nothing is more embarrassing than being the kid in the laundry room trying to put detergent in the dryer.

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