Visit A U-Pick Local Strawberry Farm This Season

This time of year, Gainesvillans enter into a shared frenzy for that shapeliest and most delicious of berries — the strawberry.

With fingers and mouths stained red, hungry Floridians embrace the berry-picking tradition. They take careful measure of each rosy morsel before it is snapped, personally, off the vine. There is something satisfying about harvesting food fresh from the source.

Lots of Florida farms are happy to indulge DIY hunters as they stalk those lush fields for buckets of berry booty. For strawberry seekers short on time, most farm stands will sell a flat of pre-picked berries.

Whatever a patron’s preference, the Greater Gainesville offers a host of opportunities to enjoy nature’s candied red delicacies. host of opportunities to enjoy nature’s candied red delicacies, from simple farms to straight-up fairs.

Here is a list of strawberry-centric locations while the season is in full swing.

Credit: Instagram- @redwhiteandbluesfarm

Red White and Blues Farm

Gainesville’s most patriotic option for strawberry picking offers “a berry good time for the whole family,” which as humor is far less digestible than the strawberries themselves. That pun is inevitable during strawberry season, but the mass consumption of this farm’s delicious strawberries will help it go down easier.

Where: 3250 N.E. 140th Ave., Williston

When: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday-Sunday

farm with booth and child
Credit: Instagram- @rogersfarmfl

Roger’s Farm

Roger’s Farm is owned and operated by fifth-generation farmers. If farm family wisdom was not enough, Roger’s hosts field trips with train rides for kids, a rock wall for climbing and one of those stations where kids can simulate milking a cow. Unfortunately, it does not produce strawberry milk.

Where: 3831 N.W. 156th Ave., Gainesville

When: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. select dates. Check the Rogers Farm Facebook for updates.

Family Garden Organic & Fair Farm

Family Garden’s first batch of strawberries sold out on Jan. 1, so it is pretty obvious these berries cannot be beat. The best news, however, is that they are back in action, and their u-pick event and farmstand are ready to go again.

Where: 1655 S.E. 23rd Place, Gainesville

When: Check the Family Garden Facebook for updates.

strawberry costumed person and child hugging
Credit: Facebook- Bradford County Strawberry Festival

Bradford County Strawberry Festival

Greater Gainesville is home to the Bradford County Strawberry Festival. This celebration is made all the sweeter by free admission and parking. Enjoy just about every kind of strawberry treat imaginable plus a car show, laser tag, arts and crafts and rides for kids.

See Also

Where: 2300 N. Temple Ave., Starke

When: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, April 2; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, April 3

farm with tractor and rainbow
Credit: Instagram- @brownsfarmorangeheights

Brown’s Farm

Brown’s Farm may be the oldest entry on this list. Progenitor John Henry Brown duked it out with the Great Depression, selling cabbages for a single cent per piece to feed his family. That work ethic he passed to his son, Roy, whose strawberries benefit as much from tradition as they do hard work.

Where: 18120 N.E. State Road 26, Orange Heights

When: 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. until July


By Drew Mortier

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