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Check Your Wisdom…Teeth

Check Your Wisdom…Teeth

Have a high school student in the family? It could be time to check their wisdom…teeth.

High school is often considered a rite of passage to the next big step in a child’s life. Whether it be college, trade school or a job, now is the time to prepare upcoming graduates for the next chapter. An often-overlooked part of transitioning to adulthood, however, is the development of wisdom teeth — and the pressing need to have them removed.

In this Q&A with Guide, board-certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon, Dr. William C. Storoe IV, explains the need for this next important step.

Q: What are wisdom teeth?

A: Wisdom teeth, or third molars, are the last teeth to develop and appear in the mouth. The name comes from the time they appear. They emerge during a person’s late teens or early 20s, which has been called the age of wisdom. The normal position of wisdom teeth is behind the upper and lower second, or 12-year molars.

The jaws of modern humans are often not large enough to accommodate these extra wisdom teeth. This is why wisdom teeth oftentimes cause more problems than any other teeth. In fact, nine out of ten people have at least one wisdom tooth that is impacted.

Q: What does impacted mean, and how do you know if your wisdom teeth are impacted?

A: A wisdom tooth is impacted when it remains under the gum tissue due to lack of space in the mouth. This can block it from erupting or properly coming into the mouth.

A wisdom tooth may be partially impacted or totally impacted. This is also called a partial bony impaction or a complete bony impaction.

The best way to identify impacted wisdom teeth or third molars is by a panoramic X-ray and examination by a board-certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon.

Q: Can impacted wisdom teeth cause problems?

A: Pain, infection, crowding and damage to adjacent teeth are just some of the more serious problems that can develop from impacted wisdom teeth. No one can predict exactly when impacted wisdom teeth will cause trouble, but trouble will likely arise, sooner or later. When it does, the circumstances can be much more painful. Teeth can be more complicated to treat.

Q: How are wisdom teeth best treated?

A: Treatment of impacted wisdom teeth often involves removal using specialized surgical techniques appropriate for each individual case. Wisdom teeth are best treated by a board-certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon.

See Also

Q: When should wisdom teeth be removed?

A: Proper evaluation of wisdom teeth is best performed in late teens to early 20s with timely panoramic radiographs of the mouth. With this specialized X-ray, the oral and maxillofacial surgeon can often predict if wisdom teeth will cause any problems in the near future or later in life. If so, chances are that the surgeon will recommend their removal rather than wait for trouble to occur.

Removal is easier in younger patients because the roots are not yet fully developed and the bone is less dense. In older patients, removal before any complications develop is key to a shorter recovery and healing time, thus minimizing discomfort after surgery.

Dr. Storoe holds Diplomat Status and Board Certifications in both the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and the National Dental Board of Anesthesiology. Dr. Storoe is in private practice in Gainesville. License: DN13628

By Elisha Young

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