Technically Speaking Affordable Certification and Training Opportunities with Career Technical Education Attending a technical…
STUDENTS SUCCEEDING IN FUTURE CAREERS Magnets and career and technical education at Alachua County Public…
Opportunities for students to explore military career options Greater Gainesville students have more educational…
Health care is one of the largest industries in Greater Gainesville. The Academy of Health…
By: Lucinda Merritt Earning a salary for on-the-job training and graduating debt free are just…
Training the Next Generation of Chefs Students in Greater Gainesville are uniquely prepared to work…
Computer science is one of the largest and highest-paying professional fields. The number of jobs…
Going to a technical college can mean so many different things. It could be learning…
Magnets and career and technical education at Alachua County Public Schools gives students a head-start…
Prepare for back to school with these insider tips Moving to a new place can…