
Medical Tourism in the Heart of Florida

“Medical tourism has existed in Florida since Ponce De Leon set out in search of…

The Bennett/Hunt Tradition

A family-owned business that began nearly three decades ago, Sun Country Sports Center was first…

The Beauty of Business

During times of widespread economic frustration — when even large, well-established corporations experience difficulty maintaining…

EZ MediTest Wins eWiTS Investor Pitch

Three months after having a baby, Anne Moseley’s niece experienced an even more excruciating medical…

Local Agriculture Continually Adapting

The Hodge Farms in Newberry is traditional is some ways including being family-run through four…

Perfection Kills Innovation

“Perfect is the enemy of the good.” – Voltaire  Perfection kills innovation. Sure, other factors…

Q & A With the 2014 Cade Prize Winner

The Cade Museum for Creativity and Invention’s purpose is to cultivate creativity and inventiveness. Although…

Insurance Shopping: More Than 15 Minutes

As a dedicated insurance nerd, I can’t help but pay attention to the advertising put…

Innovation Square Sets Stage for Development

Innovation Square is poised for the future with the completion of improvements that will make…

Behind the Scenes of Keith Watson Events

I am often asked, “What exactly is an event company? What goes into an event?”…