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Advice From The Insurance Mom

Advice From The Insurance Mom

In my 19-year career as an insurance agent, I have reached the conclusion that most people don’t like to think about life insurance. That said, up until I got remarried in March, I was a single mother of two wonderful children. As such, I knew that securing life insurance was not an option but an absolute obligation. And while considering the inevitability of mortality isn’t exactly a party, it is a necessary fact of life. The purpose of this article is to raise awareness about life and disability insurance and share my unique perspective as a professional insurance agent as well as my other title, Mom.

Most people don’t recognize the importance of life insurance and the financial protection it can offer to a family. But, since most people are not independently wealthy, it remains a coverage that must be considered. In the event that someone passes away, there can be an extremely heavy financial burden placed on the loved ones left behind. Losing a loved one is inherently awful, but adding desperate financial constraints to the situation can turn a really tragic situation into a complete catastrophe.

The good news is that life insurance is available and has never been more affordable. There are many different policy types and insurance carriers in the marketplace, and consumers have the freedom to consider all of the options and choose plans that best suit their unique situations.

Purchasing life insurance not only provides a financial safety net but it also guarantees a person’s insurability going forward. If the policy is secured when someone is in good health, the policy can be structured so that coverage is afforded even if health status changes. Just recently, a friend and her husband approached me about getting quotes for life insurance since they had recently lost a close friend due to sudden illness. During the process of preparing our proposals, the wife’s insurability changed because she was diagnosed with lung cancer. Now, this family is being forced to make decisions over financial obligations that will leave them with little or reduced income. For me, this situation solidified the importance of discussing life insurance with every customer, friend and family member.

In addition to life insurance, insuring one’s ability to earn income is also important to those of us who are not independently wealthy. Disability insurance for the short and long term can fill in the gaps if a major medical event occurs and a person is unable to work as a result. When I was younger, I never considered disability as something that could happen to me. However, one year ago, my sister was involved in a serious car accident, and the injuries she sustained required several surgeries and many months of physical therapy. During this time, the bills kept rolling in as day-to-day life didn’t change, but the saving grace in this story is that she had disability insurance to help keep her from becoming financially destitute. I now realize that bad things happen to good people, and as a result, disability insurance can be extremely important.

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I recognize that people are inundated with the types of insurance available (car, home, business, etc.) and that it is easy to become insurance fatigued. That being said, I hope sharing these personal stories will shine a new light on why buying life and disability insurance is the best way to protect your family’s financial future and not just another bill you have to pay. So please, for the sake of your loved ones, find a good insurance agent and get educated on what is right for you and your family.

TASHA HURLEY, a Gainesville native, is a Personal Lines Producer at Scarborough Insurance and has been in the insurance business since 1996. Tasha is married to her husband Adam and has two wonderful children, Logan and Leah. She enjoys spending time with family, trips to the beach and anything that involves staying active.

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