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ACEL Young Professional Spotlight: Tom Snogles

ACEL Young Professional Spotlight: Tom Snogles

1. What do you like most about living in Gainesville?

We are lucky to be so close to nature, but also in a thriving city. The sense of community around college football has made being a part of Gainesville all the more special, and the Sunday brunches after a game, to die for!


2. Tell me about your job or area of study.

Being the owner and general manager of Gainesville’s only quiet, sustainable electric mowing service, Sun Power Lawn Care involves everything from networking, finance, human resources, operations, marketing, sales, what don’t I do? I’m involved in many organizations in town that help support and grow my business. 


3. What are some of the biggest challenges you have encountered as a young professional?

Meeting other young professionals. That’s why I have become involved with GYP and ACEL – to meet other young professionals and create an atmosphere where they can discover and connect with
their surroundings.


4. What is one of the best pieces of advice you have ever been given?

When I started my business in 2014, I knew very little about what it involved. I was a technician with training in horticulture, and minimal business knowledge. My theory was that I would focus on growing the business through sales and everything would figure itself out. Ha, was I wrong. Thank you Tom Fleming, executive director of BNI West Central Florida for that nugget. 


See Also

5. Outside of your job, what other activities are you involved in?

I love to kayak the Santa Fe river, the St. Johns, or go out to Cedar Key for a kayak island hop with a dinner at Steamers to finish the day off. We have a couple gems here including the Hawthorne Trail, which is a 16-mile trail from Boulware Springs to Hawthorne. The second gem is Sweetwater Wetlands, which is becoming a destination for bird-watchers and nature lovers from all over the region.



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