Oak Hall School’s New Distinguished Scholar Program

Oak Hall recently began a Distinguished Scholar Program that offers students the opportunity to explore, connect and immerse themselves in studies that are particular to their interests.  

The program launched in January 2023 and is centered around the school’s core values of scholarship, leadership and service. From three-year-olds to high school seniors, the program is designed to personalize each student’s learning experience. 

The sought after Distinguished Scholar Program includes three distinct areas of study: Arts Conservatory, Global Affairs and Integrated Science –– there is ample opportunity for students to explore, discover and develop new interests and talents.

Arts Conservatory  



Established in 2010, Arts Conservatory allows students to concentrate in performing arts, music or visual arts through intensive creative study emphasizing critical thinking, collaboration and performance. 



Global Affairs  



Global Affairs provides an interdisciplinary approach to building cross-cultural awareness of global societies through the intentional integration of world languages, concentrated coursework and extracurricular opportunities. 


Integrated Science  

Expanding on STEM disciplines, Integrated Science prepares students to become strategic collaborators, innovative problem solvers and critical thinkers by studying biomedical science, engineering and computer science. 


Application details

Karin Montini, Director of Teaching and Learning, said, “There is a formal application process for Upper School students that must be completed, and entry into the Distinguished Scholar Program is offered by invitation only.” 

Students must complete an online application, submit a teacher recommendation checklist and demonstrate interest and qualifications through a formal, in-person audition or interview.  


Upper School-Immerse 



Following the formal application, students in the Upper School will experience total immersion in a personalized pathway to concentrate their studies through curricular and co-curricular opportunities that extend beyond the walls of the Oak Hall classrooms.  

See Also



Middle School-Connect  

Expanding the program school-wide, the Middle School nourishes students’ developing minds. Evolving interests are prioritized through a personalized connection of specific focus areas. The goal? To bridge strengths, talents and scholarly curiosities.  


Lower School-Engage 

In the Lower School, engaging and interactive exploration is woven through learning experiences for Oak Hall’s youngest students. The school seeks to develop the intellectual curiosities of these young minds while nurturing inquisitive thinking and joyful learning.  


The Results  

“For upper school students this provides several opportunities, including building a college resume. For all students it provides opportunities to learn about the depths of their own interests,” Montini shared.  

The culmination of Oak Hall’s Distinguished Scholar Program will be at student graduation. Each participant who fulfills the program’s requirements will receive a distinction on their transcript, a medallion, a specialized seal on their diploma and special recognition at graduation.  

“This has been a year in the making and our students and parents are certainly excited about this program.”  


By Meredith Biesinger. 

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