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The Fierce List: Randi Elrad

The Fierce List: Randi Elrad

Randi Elrad, Co-Founder and V.P. of Sales

Crime Prevention Security Systems & Custom Home Entertainment

In addition to founding CPSS with John Pastore in 1975, she also serves as the V.P of Sales for the company. Crime Prevention Security Systems is a family owned and operated business with over 100 employees, 2 central monitoring stations, and a sales and installation branch in Orlando. They have been named one of the top 100 Security Companies in the U.S.  Locally, Randi and her team were awarded the 2012 Ethics in Business Award by the Gainesville Rotary, and the 2011 Large Business of the Year award by the Gainesville Area Chamber of Commerce.  Randi and Johnny were recently awarded the Spirit of Entrepreneurship award from Junior Achievement.

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