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Running A Business From Behind The Scenes

Running A Business From Behind The Scenes

We all appreciate the work of stars to some degree, whether they are entertainment celebrities, charismatic business leaders, academic icons, fearless entrepreneurs or “follow me” visionaries. But, not everyone has the drive or tools to be a front man and not everyone wants to be. I am of the latter.

When I was asked to write this article, I started to give the topic some serious thought. What is my role in running the business? How did I get here? Does it fulfill me? Am I providing value? Am I meeting my potential?

Upon reflection, in almost all of my professional life, I have worked to some degree behind the scenes and in support of others. Some have been dynamic business owners with big hearts and ideals, others were my consulting clients in need of support and guidance. Currently, I support a dynamic, talented, energetic, passionate idea-man and thought machine.

Is my role less important? Maybe, maybe not. It depends on what you value and the outcome you are looking for. No matter the business, no one can do it alone, even the most accomplished leader. Where would Mick Jagger, Adam Levine or Gwen Stefani be without great bands, back-up singers, producers, agents, roadies, sound crews, promoters, fans and more?

That is an easy point. What may not be as obvious is the value and challenges of running a successful business from behind the scenes. In my role, I support the “talent” and help keep the business on brand, client focused, financially stable, and constantly moving forward in our service, technology, offerings and marketing. Not all are done as well as we would like all the time, but they are all in constant focus and my job is to help us make it happen.

I may not come up with the next big idea, but it is my job to help evaluate it, research it, discuss it and, if we decide to pursue it, to look for ways to execute it. Ideas without execution are nothing but whims.

I am not the reason people approach us or are interested in our offerings, but I am a major factor if they actually buy and if they return as customers. That is not an unimportant role.

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Granted, we have a fantastic product and it could sell itself, but for sustained growth and longevity, we absolutely need great support from behind the scenes.

I love my role in the business; I get the excitement of being near the big idea and the fun of closing the deal. I enjoy the privilege of making new and sometimes lasting relationships with our clients. I have the responsibility of making sure we are financially sound, that we have great internal and external partners and support. I have the great satisfaction of helping our clients achieve their goals around why they are seeking our help and, in some cases, educating them on how to do it. I love building a trusted brand and helping our leader stay focused on his role and allowing him the freedom to concentrate on the areas where he holds a unique set of skills and can follow his passion. This can apply to any business, but in my case, it allows our managing partner to read, study, learn, write, network, and think about what’s next and what is best for our business as well as the businesses we serve. Because I am truly happy and secure in my role behind the scenes, my partner and I have a great working relationship. Both roles are valued, and we have very separate areas of responsibility and skill sets. I do not have a desire to stretch into his area of expertise and nor him into mine, although we collaborate and approach most things as a team.

We are very fortunate to have assembled a team that is of the same mindset. They are all empowered to do their jobs with a large amount of autonomy, but with that comes great responsibility. Through the years, we have found that this is not for everyone. I believe some of the keys include first, finding the right self-driven people and treating them well. Make sure they know they are part of a strong team, appreciated but accountable. Finally, give them work that allows them to grow and lets them know they are an important part of the business. It is not just the “leader” who is in a leadership role in our company. It is expected of all of us, whether we are behind the scenes or not.

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