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Dr. Nicole Mullally

Dr. Nicole Mullally

Name:  Dr. Nicole Mullally

Birthdate:  08/14/1974 

Where were you born? Right here in Gainesville!

What are your community activities? (church or faith-based involvement, local, regional and national professional organizations, non-profits, etc)   I am involved is several professional organizations at both a national, state and local level (American Association of Dentistry, American Association of Orthodontists etc).  I am also on the board of directors for the Child Advocacy Center, have been selected for the 40th class of Leadership Gainesville and am on the sponsorship committee for Taste of Gainesville and the planning committee for Gainesville Gone Austin. 

 List any awards you have won for community service: none so far, but working on it!!

What is your definition of success? Personally; being happy with work and family.  Professionally; knowing you have made a positive difference in someone’s life.

What is your greatest professional accomplishment? I have 2; Finishing 1st in my class in dental school.  Also, starting my own orthodontic practice from scratch and having a record breaking 1st year, especially after all the doom and gloom advice I was given about opening a new practice in Gainesville.

How do you exemplify the spirit of a Forty Under 40 professional?  To be young and accomplished you have to be a risk taker and willing to chart your own path.  When there were no opportunities for me to work in Gainesville (and my husband and I were determined to raise our family here) I created my own job by starting my orthodontic practice.   I am also determined to make a difference in this community which I think is characteristic of past “40 under 40s.”  It isn’t my goal to just be successful in business, but also to be successful in helping to make Gainesville a better community.

Businessperson who has most inspired you: I had the opportunity to meet Ben Cohen (of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream) when I was in college.  That was my first exposure to the idea that business can have a conscience and play a critical role in positive change. It really made an impact on me.

Best advice ever received: Humility is just as important as confidence.  Be comfortable with who you are and reject the need to impress others.

Greatest professional challenge: As a mom I am a natural worrier, but you would be amazed how many nights I have stayed up worrying about your or your kid’s teeth!  I am constantly analyzing how they are moving, how to make treatment more effective, more comfortable, faster and to achieve the best result.  My challenge is striving to do better without the worry!
First job: I was a receptionist at a private airport for the summer when I was 15.  I just answered the phones and said “hi” to the pilots all day.

What color crayon would you be? Why? Yellow – it’s bright and happy.  That’s me, most of the time 😉

Favorite after-work drink: These days it’s a gluten-free beer.

See Also

If I had a magic wand, I’d: I’d have a teleporter so I’d never have to fly.

What is your favorite Gadget? My phone, of course.  Boring, but true.

How long have you been in Gainesville? Forever (minus college, residency, and gallivanting across Europe).

What do you love most about Gainesville/Alachua County? The people.  Also tailgating on game day and Satchel’s pizza.

Three things people would be surprised to know about you:  Despite being afraid of flying I’ve been sky-diving, hot-air ballooning, and paragliding.  I was a DJ and had my own radio show on the college radio station.  I once had to help my mom deliver a litter of baby goats and we weren’t farm folks!

Advice you would give a younger you:  Don’t procrastinate.  Do it now.

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