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7 Tips to Get You from Drab to Fab for your Wedding

7 Tips to Get You from Drab to Fab for your Wedding

Lots of folks make a big deal out of being in shape for the “big day,” and with good reason. It will likely be the most photographed day of your entire life: the day that you and your spouse are the stars of the show. Of course you want to look and feel your best!

Let’s cover the best news up front. Your fiancé has already chosen the person that you are today. You are the one whether you’re in great shape or not. Your dreamboat status has already been determined, and whatever is on the inside of you is definitively good enough. Having said that, I’d still like to help you rock your gown, tux or honeymoon swimsuit so you look back on that day with no regrets.

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  1. Decide what you’d like to accomplish and be specific. Know your goal. Know what your dream arms, abs and legs look like. Know if you need to train for whatever adventure you’ve got planned for your honeymoon – snowboarding, waterskiing and hiking all require certain levels of fitness.
  2. Revamp your eating habits. If weight loss is your goal, you’re going to have to eat to lose. There are no short cuts beside managing calories and choosing healthy foods – about 80 percent of your size is determined by your consumption habits. If weight gain or an increased level of strength and endurance is on your agenda, learn how to use food as fuel. If you adopt healthy eating habits now, you should be able to maintain that new fab body of yours even after the wedding is over! You can do this; I know you can!
  3. Get on a training program. Depending on how much time you have before your wedding, choose something structured and pay to take part in advance to increase your chance of sticking with the program in the long run. Register for six months of CrossFit classes four times a week. Sign up for alternating days of Zumba and Pilates. Train for a half-marathon that is scheduled two weeks before your nuptials. Or, hire a personal trainer; my brides always look hot in white.
  4. When wedding plans turn stressful, turn to action instead of food. Hit a heavy bag when your future mother in-law calls to complain. Seriously, it works.
  5. Make use of random free time. Watch TV on the treadmill, do planks during commercials, and make a habit of alternating squats and push-ups each time you think of your wedding.
  6. Post photos of your honeymoon destination around your home and office to keep you focused. Resort guests hide very little in Jamaica. Keep that in mind.
  7. Most importantly, don’t do anything drastic. But do adopt quality eating and exercise habits.

Weddings were designed to celebrate your love and devotion for the person you’ve chosen to spend the rest of your life with, and yours will be wonderful whether you have six-pack abs or not. Between you and me though, feeling your best on the inside and out is the irreplaceable cherry on top. Your most photographed day is coming; get to work!

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